[Media]ted Riots

The Nottingham Riots one year on.
New Art Exchange opened its new season with a specially developed session considering the impact of the Nottingham riots one year on.
I was commissioned by Synapse Arts to design a project to facilitate conversations between voices of the hard to reach, local community members, youth groups and academics to discuss the effect that the riots has had on the people of Nottingham.


DVD 2 [Media]ted Riots.

On  20 September 2012  New Art Exchange hosted a BE Vocal  event that comprised of a reading of excerpts from Mottled Lines, by writer Archie W Maddocks which debuted at the Orange Tree Theatre, London in July 2012, a short film presentation and a panel discussion, which i directed and  facilitated.

The short, captured some of the conversations that have taken place during the making of this 3 month project.

I invited artist Gavin Rogers to work with me and some Year 9 students from Djanogly City Academy to review the archives and stories surrounding the riots and design and create the panelists table and benches.

The panelists table and chairs were exhibited at Hyson Green Library from the 29th September for a month.  This presentation was made by Berridge and Arboretum Ward Nottingham City Councilors to thank the students for their valuable participation in the project.


Panelists included: Professor David Buckingham (Loughborough University), Writer Archie W Maddocks, Giles Croft, Nottingham Playhouse, Skinder Hundal CEO New Art Exchange Shad Ali, Minnie from Just Ask and Kevin Spriggs  from  ‘Catch 22’  Panelists were invited by the artist to bring together a diverse range of communities.

In attendance were local community groups, witnesses, emergency services and journalists. It was also extensively covered on the BBC Breakfast TV and Drive Time Radio and local broadsheets. Press:-  Nottingham Post ‘Reaching out to unheard voices’ to better understand UK riots

Mediated Riots was commissioned by Saira Lloyd; Synapse Arts in partnership with New Art Exchange.

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