S.H.E.D. Design

Team S.H.E.D. has been working with the Interior Design students from the university of derby to work on the various configurations for S.h.E.D. so that it is design ready and fit for purpose. The design process has been closely ALIGNED with cultural and socio-civic research. It has worked closely with industry partners to ensure that S.h.E.D has the FLEXIBILITY and scope for delivery of a wide range of activities for both public and art communities.
Image credit: Eve Forsdick, Tiffany Clark, Barbara Druzdzel & Jack Elmson.

Special thanks goes to:Artcore, DCCT, This is Derby, Primary, University of Derby –  DMARC, Interior Design, Media Production and Ideas Forum Funding. Derby City Council, University of Lincoln, InDialogue, CVAN, In Good Company, Derby Theatre, BIG HOUSE.